Mom , Emiko, Diantha, Tacey, Mari and Nora at a Mom & Pops type restaurant called Nicks.
The food wasn't to bad, but do not & I mean do not try the spagetti, it was not very good. Every thing else that we ordered was pretty good.

This is Christy our cousin . Also we have Nora and her bandage.

Tacey has a friend from her volleyball team that moved to Cali that we met Saturday night at a Icecream shop called Fentons. It had
the and I mean
the best carmel topping. It makes me wish that we had a Fentons around here.
Diantha & Norah

Tacey, Mari and Shannon

My sisters with Shannon and her hubby Ryan.

Norah was so worn out from her ordeal that day.

Thank you Shannon for having us all for Icecream.